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Library Services

The Taylorville Public Library has a large and varied collection of print books that features selections for readers of all ages and interest groups. This collection includes fiction and non-fiction materials, best sellers, reference materials, genealogy and local history materials, and large type print books. 

Additionally, patrons can request materials through the Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS), a consortium of nearly 500 libraries in the state of Illinois. To search for TPL holdings, or to make a request via SHARE, please visit our Books & More page.

Audio-Visual Materials
The library has a large collection of DVDs, Blu-rays, and Audiobooks for people of all ages to enjoy.

Newspapers and Periodicals
Currently, the library subscribes to 6 local and regional newspapers. 

The library also subscribes to a digital resource known as America's News. This resource provides access to more than 3,000 newspapers across the United States, as well as archived issues from the past. To access America's News, please visit our e-Resource page.

The library also currently subscribes to 79 magazines for adults, young adults and children to enjoy. Other than the most current issue, all magazines are available for checkout.

Online Resources
The library currently subscribes to a number of online resources for the public to enjoy. Most all resources can be accessed by using a patron computer within the library, or by using your library card # to login from home. Also available digitally, is access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks through Overdrive, Libby, and the Cloud Library app. To access any of our online resources, and a number of free and important digital resources and important local links please visit our e-Resource page


We offer a number of exciting educational, informational, and fun programs for people of all ages to enjoy. For more information on TPL programming, please visit our Library Activities page.


The Taylorville Public Library offers ten Internet accessible computers, as well as wireless internet service for library patrons. All 14 patron machines have Microsoft Office 2016 installed, which includes: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Microsoft PowerPoint. Users must sign the Internet Agreement before use.

Please note that computers are available on a first-come first-served basis. For more information on computer use, please visit our Library Policies page.


Printing is available at all 14 patron computers in the library. The cost of printing is $0.20 per page. Once you press the print button, please speak to someone at the front desk (we must release the job before it prints). The patron is responsible for all pages that print, so please double check the print settings and be sure what pages will print before clicking "print".


Copying is available near the library front desk. Patrons may use the copier themselves, or they can request assistance from the library staff. The cost of copying is $0.20 per page. The patron is responsible for all pages that are copied, so please double check the copying settings and be sure what pages will copy before pressing "start".


The prices for faxing is as follows:

Faxes Sent - $1.00 per page
Faxes Received - $0.50 per page
Faxes on Demand Received - $1.50 per page


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